Tuesday, September 15, 2015

* September Sales Tax Up Over 2014 *

September sales tax receipts were up 8.6% compared to September 2014, culminating in a  1.5% increase for the year.

You can read the full report at http://www.co.platte.mo.us/county_elected_officials/profile_treasurer.html.

The use tax is down for the month and the year, 21.6% and 3.2% respectively

This marks the first time I've made a pancake reference two months in a row: general sales tax and use tax revenue is down, but only a difference of .0007% .

The revenue for the roads and parks tax have climbed at a higher rate, with both tax revenues climbing 12.4% over the same period last year, perhaps highlighting odd reporting quirks from Jefferson City.

* The Royals Magic Number is 11 *

The Platte County Treasurer's Office is closely watching the baseball standings.  Not only because any true American is a Kansas City Royals fan, but also because of the noticeable bump we saw in revenues because of the World Series run last year.

Go Royals.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or call my office at (816) 858-3318.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Are Low Gas Prices Bad for Turkeys?!

* January Sales Tax Numbers Way Up *

Platte County consumers, like the rest of America, have saved a lot of money on gas prices in recent months.  Did Platte Countians take those savings and spend more on turkeys in November for Thanksgiving?  Should pigs be nervously watching gas prices around Easter?  I have no idea, but I do is the sales tax report for January 2015, which reflects November sales, was significantly higher than 2014.

January sales tax revenues were 27.4% higher than the same report for 2014.  You can read the full report at http://www.co.platte.mo.us/county_elected_officials/profile_treasurer.html.

The use tax fell 14.6% compared to 2014 (A brief examination of the use tax is now available at plattemoney.com.)

General sales tax and use tax combined is up 12.6% for the year.

* Delay in release of numbers *

I apologize for getting the sales tax numbers out later than normal.  Between numbers arriving a bit later from Jeff City because of the holidays, along with the entire Willard family getting the flu, you're getting this email at the end of the month rather than the middle.  Let's hope February is a healthier month.

* County Offices Closed February 16th *

Platte County offices will be closed Monday February 16th for President's Day.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or call my office at (816) 858-3318.